Creative Health Quality Framework

Building on the Creative Health Quality Framework, which I co-developed with the Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance, I run training and workshops that support person-centred, equitable, safe, creative, collaborative, realistic, sustainable and reflective creative health practice.

“This is very important and necessary work in the rapidly expanding field of creative health. Skills development for creative practitioners is a priority. We need to support practitioner development and to enable those with long experience in the field to explore creative ways to share their learning with others.”

— Alex Coulter, Director, National Centre for Creative Health

  • Close up of Jane Willis holding reflective writing and collages from a workshop teaching ethical best practice in creative evaluation for arts organisations. A post-it note with black handwriting reads 'curiosity'.

    Developing a Code of Practice

    You will be supported to write your own code of practice that demonstrates that you understand what it means to deliver safe, ethical, and good practice; articulates the skills, experience, and knowledge you bring to your work; and enables you to ask for what you need to practise well.

  • Close up of a hand writing on some post it notes during a Jane Willis trauma informed practice workshop. One reads "there are no mistakes, only discoveries". The other reads "whole team develops the organisation"

    Trauma Informed Practice

    Reviewing what we mean by trauma and how it might impact our work with others, we will build on existing knowledge to plan, organise and deliver participatory creative workshops that are safe, soothing and supportive.

  • Close up of Jane Willis holding a zine with reflective writing and collages from a managing boundaries workshop. The question "what do I need?" is handwritten on the zine in thick black pen.

    Managing Boundaries

    Unpicking ways in which personal and professional boundaries can be tested and challenged when delivering creative health programmes, we share experience and explore a range of resources, tools, and approaches to support you to better care for yourself and others.

“I was so impressed by Jane's ability to create a safe, respectful and accepting online space that still felt playful, curious and relaxed. She brought an authenticity and openness that made it feel safe to take part. She was warm and friendly but also had an approach that made the sessions feel solid - boundaries felt really clear. I learnt things about facilitating from watching Jane!”

— Reflective Practice course participant

What they said