The Reflective Journal is back

An up close photograph of three notebooks on a black surface. Two notebooks are closed, one is open on a page of cursive writing. Also visible is a pot of pencils.



I hope you’ve had a good summer – whether you’ve been away, worked through, had time and space to rest and play, or been busy with kids, family and friends – or probably some combination of all of those things!


I love the ‘new beginnings’ feeling I get every September, but I also mourn the loss of the long days and light evenings that summer brings. So, I’m so grateful that September is easing us back into routine with this wonderful sunshine!


My intention as I return to work this ‘term’ is to pace myself. For me, that means slowing down, staying focused, and getting things done… but from a place of being grounded and present rather than rushed and stressed! Does that resonate with you?


The best way I know to keep myself grounded and present? …Is to write!


My journal keeps me anchored. It helps me stay connected to myself, my feelings, my needs. Often that simple awareness is all I need to soften and accept or sift and sort and move forward. And it connects me to my creativity and makes me more alert and open to everyday joys and the small wonders of the world. What’s not to like!


For me, the hardest thing is not writing. The hardest thing is making and holding space for writing.


So, if you would like to join me again this Autumn to make some time and space for writing, The Reflective Journal is starting up again.


These sessions are for you no matter what your writing experience or practice looks like! Whether you have never written before, or are a seasoned journaller, my aim is that you will feel inspired, safe, and supported to explore a range of creative, reflective and accessible ways into writing.


This season, we will meet either on Wednesday evenings starting on 27th September or Friday mornings starting on 29th September.

If you’d like to join me, sign up here You can drop into one or as many sessions as you like.


I hope to see you soon.


Best wishes
